Dumpster Diving in Madison?

Why Some People Dumpster Dive and How to Do it Right

Dumpster diving has always been seen as taboo. It is something that homeless people have done to survive. But since the late nineties, it has been gaining a lot of popularity. It has now taken on a cult-type following and become a way to make extra cash for a lot of people.

Is Dumpster Diving Legal in Madison Wisconsin?

Now I know what you are thinking. Isn’t dumpster diving illegal?  Not in the state of Wisconsin. With that being said,  before you just go diving into a dumpster keep in mind there are a few things you need to know to make it legal. You need to read the signs around the dumpster. If there is a no trespassing sign or if it is enclosed by a gate or fence then you cannot enter the dumpster.

After some research about dumpster diving in Wisconsin, I have learned the Green Bay area is a hot spot. There are many forums that you can search for in the Green Bay area to give you step-by-step instructions or to just give you tips on when to go, what to look for and safety tips.

How Do You Properly Dumpster Dive?

A major thing that is pointed out in the world of dumpster diving is safety. Here are a few tips I have learned if you decide to give this a try. Tip number one do not go alone. There are many reasons for this but the obvious one is if you fall in you will have help to get out. Number two is to wear the proper clothing. Dress in long pants, a long-sleeved shirt and also wear gloves. This is to protect you from needles, razors and broken glass that may be found in a dumpster. The next thing is to bring a flashlight to see what is in the dumpster. Most dumpsters are behind buildings in area that are not very well-lit.

What is the Best Defense Against Dumpster Diving?

But if you are looking for ways to stop dumpster diving in your dumpster here are a few tips. One is to put up no trespassing signs. Two, add security cameras and place signs up that say no trespassing. And lastly is to place a locked gate around your dumpster.

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